Nowadays, almost everything is done online. If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a virtual consultation.

You’re Not Alone

An unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, even frightening. Although it seems impossible today, don’t worry. We’re here for you. In addition to our other services, we offer free life coaching.

Do you just need someone to talk to? We’re here to listen and offer advice if you want. Maybe you’ve just taken another at-home pregnancy test and it’s positive. Do you want to chat about your next steps?

If you need help starting the “I’m pregnant” conversation with your parents or partner, we can help with that too.

What Do I Do First?

Yes, you have three options and we can discuss each. Of course, you can choose to schedule an abortion, but have you thought about making an adoption plan or parenting?

In our virtual consultation, we can talk about the many helpful services available should you decide to parent. Our Life Coaches are here to answer your questions.

We Want To Empower You

Our goal at Clarity Women’s Center is to give you the knowledge you need to make an empowered decision. We won’t judge or lecture you. You’ll receive honest answers to your questions.

There is hope and help for you. Contact us and let’s begin this journey together.